Balloons In The Air...

Besides her peers from the exclusive school she studies at, Linda is the only lady in her group of friends back home Sam, Uki, Jason, Jeremy, and Cameron. To each, Linda represents and plays a different female role which makes a difference in each boy's life.
"Boo!," Linda jumps at the sudden brush of air on her right ear.
"What-," she says, turning around.
"Hey, birthday girl," Jeremy says, standing beside her, next to Jason.
"Boo!," Jason repeats. Linda punches his arm. "Fool. What are you two doing here?"
"What are we three doing here?," Cameron wonders out loud, popping out of nowhere.
"Cameron! You're here too," Linda cries, giving Cameron a hug.
"Aww, come on. How come Cameron gets a hug and I don't?," Uki shows up as well.
"My boys! You're all here! Linda squeals. "Group hug!," She announces, and the 5 of them form circle, arms on each other's shoulders.
"Guys, this means a lot to me, really. It's been a while," Linda says.

Unfinished Story...